First three months of pregnancy

first three months

The first three months of pregnancy

During the first three months of pregnancy, expectant mothers experience several symptoms of hormonal changes in their bodies. Such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, body malaise, fatigue, breast changes, frequent urination, heartburn, constipation etc. These are normal during pregnancy. But there are some risks at this time. So extra precautions and proper treatment are required.

the risk

1. Miscarriage: 75 percent of miscarriages occur in the first 3 months. Miscarriage can happen for many reasons. Such as genetic or structural defects of the baby, uncontrolled diabetes of the mother, thyroid hormone variation, SLE, antiphospholipid syndrome, infection, etc.

2. Ectopic pregnancy: A fertilized embryo is implanted outside the uterus instead of inside the uterus, especially as the embryo grows in the fallopian tubes, which may rupture and cause bleeding. Mother’s death if not treated properly

3. Molar Pregnancy: The fertilized embryo develops a grape-like tumor instead of a baby, which can later turn into cancer if not treated properly.

4. Birth Defects in Baby: The first three months of pregnancy are the key time for embryo formation. During this time, smoking, drinking, uncontrolled diabetes of the mother, various infections, and consumption of harmful drugs, such as warfarin, epilepsy drugs, cancer drugs, high blood pressure drugs, radiation, etc. can cause birth defects in the baby.

to be done

Preconception Preparation: Consult a doctor before conception. Some preliminary tests should be done and if any disease is diagnosed, treatment should be done.

Folic acid should be taken one month before conception.

As soon as you get pregnant, you should take medicines as per the doctor’s advice and avoid harmful medicines.

first three months of pregnancy

Food that pregnant mothers should eat

Ultrasonography: Ultrasonography is an important test in early pregnancy. A lot of information is available through this test. Like the number and age of fetuses, likely due date, fetal heart rate, ectopic or molar pregnancy, etc.

Rest: Adequate rest is needed at this time. At least eight hours at night and two hours at noon should be rested.

Also Read: 10 Natural Ways To Pregnancy Test At Home

Diet: Avoid pineapple, papaya, kamaranga, and undercooked food, and eat nutritious food. Apart from this, excess caffeine, smoking, and drinking should be avoided.

At this time, long journeys or dangerous vehicles should be avoided.

Risky and heavy work should be avoided.

Intercourse is prohibited for the first three months.

Above all, everyone in the family should fully cooperate for the health of the body and mind of the newly-pregnant mother.

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